It's been estimated that we each have
upwards of 50,000 thoughts per day. How many of yours are negative? Sometimes
you have to do a mental spring cleaning to get rid of those negative ones that
have become ingrained attitudes. Stopping self-destructive thoughts is like
stopping any other bad habit—it takes time and effort.
Among the most effective ways to do
this are visualization and affirmations. Affirmations are positive statements
about yourself that you repeat over and over in your head until they're
programmed into your subconscious.
Visualization, or
"imagineering" as Walt Disney called it, is mentally picturing
yourself the way you want to be. You've heard the old saying "I'll believe
it when I see it"? Well, the reverse is also true: "I'll see it when
I believe it!" Affirmations and visualizations may not feel true at first.
They may not even be true! But they can become so.
Consider what happens when you tell
yourself over and over, "I'm lousy at remembering names." There will
never be any improvement there. So if you catch yourself saying, "I'm terrible
at remembering names," stop and immediately say to yourself, "I'm
good at remembering names."
Or consider the effect of telling
yourself, "I'm feeling pretty good today." Or "I can lose ten
pounds." Or "I am good at getting people to see things my way."
Anything you say to yourself over and over will actually influence your
Writing down your affirmations in some
handy place-above your desk, on your bathroom mirror, on the dashboard of your
car-will help keep them in mind as well as in sight. Use affirmations and
visualizations to project what success will feel like and look like. Imagine,
in as much detail as you possibly can, how you feel as the boss singles you out
for exceeding your quota, or how the audience hangs on your every word during
your speech, or how your confident presence causes heads to turn everywhere you
Dr. Tony Alessandra
Picture Credit:5 Ssukhram Colony Blog