The internet has largely become part of us becuase of its many benefits. Today, it is the most effective means of communication, seeking information, transacting business as well as entertainment-at the least cost.
The internet has made things a lot easier as one could journey around the world by the mere click(s) of the mouse! People have met their spouses via the internet. Some others have been able to make very important business contacts through it. Information seekers are rarely dissappointed as it takes just a matter of time to get what you want.
Aside from its draw backs such us spamming, virus threats, theft of personal information, damaging information and pornography; the internet has become one of the greatest time wasters for people. You could find someone surfing the web for long hours without any significant purpose. Thus, a lot of people are increasingly being controlled by the internet instead of the other way round.
It is therefore of no surprise that social networking sites are often disabled in the internet connection of varoius work places to enable employees concentrate on their work. On several occassions we have caught ourselves surfing through our Facebook accounts in the course of work at a time we still had a lot to be done!
If you want to get on top of your game and stay on it, then you need to be a better manager of your time on the internet.
-Before you connect to the world wide web, take time to ask your self what you want to achieve.
-Make a note listing out what you intend to accomplish on the internet.
-Estimate the time it would take to accomplish each one of them. For example, apportion 20 minutes for checking and replying your emails.
-Regroup the items on your list, starting with the most important. In replying your mails also start with the most important ones except if you need to take out time to gather facts before you act on it.
-Once you have finished with a particular item on your list, move on to the next one.
-If you are seeking for a new information, make sure you understand what you are looking for, be specific in your search and stay focused in order to save time. It is possible to spend several hours seeking for information and end up achieving little. If your search is not fruitful you can postpone it to some time later.
-Do not keep gathering information and end up not acting on them. Once you are ready to start, take action. Too much information might lead to paralysis of analysis.
-Do not be distracted by pop-ups,chats, mails and clicks that you do not need to make when you are doing something important on the internet. For those who work at home(online),learn to balance your work time and free time. House chores, the television, the refrigirator and the bed could be the greates distractions.
-Entrust a specific amount of time for the internet daily and stick to it.
Picture, Courtesy: Kesmo Creations
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